Case Study: YoloCare

YoloCare specializes in building and maintaining websites for skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, retirement communities, and other senior healthcare companies. They host their websites on multiple EC2 instances with RDS as a database. Prior to Code Collaborators modernizing their architecture clients pointed their DNS directly to the server. In addition, none of the RDS databases or EC2 instances were in a VPC.


Architecture consisted of EC2 instances that were directly pointed at with DNS resulting in spam from out the country, DDOS attacks, and attempts at hacking the servers. In addition, neither RDS instances or EC2 servers were in a VPC resulting in both being vulnerable to outside attack.


Code Collaborators created a VPC and migrated all RDS instances and EC2 Instances to it. We also tightened the security groups to ensure only necessary ips were let into the instances. We implemented a Network Load Balancer, Application Load Balancer, and Web Application Firewall in front of the servers.


This implementation resulted in spam being eliminated from the servers, attempts at DDOS and hacks being thwarted before they became an issue, and increased the overall security and redundancy of the infrastructure.

The team leader, Brendon is very knowledgeable about all things server security. The first project Code Collaborators helped us with was a DDoS attack. Brendon and his team quickly went into emergency mode. He was able to implement several protections including international origination blocks, firewalls, and load balancers to mitigate the duration and perceived damage. Brendon recommended, and we accepted, additional support for monitoring and protecting our servers. Looking forward to a long relationship with Code Collaborators for the health and security of our servers.

Ron Hoopes President YoloCare


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